
What are the preventive measures for the leakage of the hydraulic system of the injection molding machine?

The factors that cause the leakage of the hydraulic system of the injection molding machine are the result of various comprehensive influences. With the existing technology and materials, it is difficult to fundamentally eliminate the leakage of the hydraulic system of the injection molding machine. Only from the above factors affecting the leakage of the hydraulic system, take reasonable measures to minimize the leakage of the hydraulic system.

In the design and processing links, the important factors affecting the leakage should be fully considered in the design and processing of the sealing groove. In addition, the selection of seals is also very important. If the influencing factors of leakage are not fully considered at the beginning, it will bring immeasurable losses to subsequent production.
Choose the right method of assembly and repair, drawing on past experience. For example, try to use special tools in the assembly of the sealing ring, and apply some grease on the sealing ring.

In the pollution control of hydraulic oil, it is necessary to start from the source of pollution, strengthen the control of pollution source, and take effective filtering measures and regular oil quality inspection. In order to effectively cut off the pollution of the hydraulic cylinder caused by external factors (water, dust, particles, etc.), some protective measures can be added. In short, the prevention and control of leakage must be comprehensively started, and comprehensive consideration can be effective.


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