
How to make high-quality injection molded parts?

Changes in the heating process: Traditionally, the plastic injection molding melt enters the mold cavity and contacts the coldest surface of the cavity. This immediately produces a frozen surface. This rapid transformation slightly changes the molecular structure of the material, resulting in the loss of the natural brightness of some materials. In addition, the material adjacent to the frozen layer cools rapidly and has a higher viscosity relative to the hotter core at the front of the molten material, resulting in various types of visible defects.

The principle of hot/cold forming technology is to increase the temperature of the surface of the injection mold cavity before the material enters the cavity, and then cool the cavity after filling the mold.

Prevent the material surface from freezing immediately during the filling process, so that the material maintains its natural brightness. In addition, during the entire filling process, the viscosity of the melt flow is almost uniform, avoiding many common surface defects associated with traditional plastic injection molding.


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